full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Carl June: A "living drug" that could change the way we treat cancer

Unscramble the Blue Letters

So we went back to the laboratory, and over the next decade made improvements to the CAR T cell design. And by 2010, we began treating leukemia patients. And our team treated three patients with advanced chronic lymphocytic leukemia in 2012. It's a form of incurable leukemia that afflicts approximately 20,000 alduts every year in the United States. The first patient that we treated was a rtrieed mriane srenegat and a prison cntroceiros officer. He had only wkees to live and had, in fact, already paid for his frneual. The cells were infused, and within days, he had high fevers. He developed multiple organ faulreis, was transferred to the ICU and was caosotme. We thought he would die, and, in fact, he was given last rites. But then, another fork in the road happened. So, around 28 days after the CAR T cell ifouinsn, he woke up, and the physicians fnalliy examined him, and the cancer was gone. The big masses that had been there had mtleed. Bone marrow biopsies found no evidence of leukemia, and that year, in our first three patients we treated, two of three have had durable remissions now for eight years, and one had a partial remission.

Open Cloze

So we went back to the laboratory, and over the next decade made improvements to the CAR T cell design. And by 2010, we began treating leukemia patients. And our team treated three patients with advanced chronic lymphocytic leukemia in 2012. It's a form of incurable leukemia that afflicts approximately 20,000 ______ every year in the United States. The first patient that we treated was a _______ ______ ________ and a prison ___________ officer. He had only _____ to live and had, in fact, already paid for his _______. The cells were infused, and within days, he had high fevers. He developed multiple organ ________, was transferred to the ICU and was ________. We thought he would die, and, in fact, he was given last rites. But then, another fork in the road happened. So, around 28 days after the CAR T cell ________, he woke up, and the physicians _______ examined him, and the cancer was gone. The big masses that had been there had ______. Bone marrow biopsies found no evidence of leukemia, and that year, in our first three patients we treated, two of three have had durable remissions now for eight years, and one had a partial remission.


  1. failures
  2. adults
  3. retired
  4. finally
  5. melted
  6. comatose
  7. weeks
  8. corrections
  9. infusion
  10. sergeant
  11. marine
  12. funeral

Original Text

So we went back to the laboratory, and over the next decade made improvements to the CAR T cell design. And by 2010, we began treating leukemia patients. And our team treated three patients with advanced chronic lymphocytic leukemia in 2012. It's a form of incurable leukemia that afflicts approximately 20,000 adults every year in the United States. The first patient that we treated was a retired Marine sergeant and a prison corrections officer. He had only weeks to live and had, in fact, already paid for his funeral. The cells were infused, and within days, he had high fevers. He developed multiple organ failures, was transferred to the ICU and was comatose. We thought he would die, and, in fact, he was given last rites. But then, another fork in the road happened. So, around 28 days after the CAR T cell infusion, he woke up, and the physicians finally examined him, and the cancer was gone. The big masses that had been there had melted. Bone marrow biopsies found no evidence of leukemia, and that year, in our first three patients we treated, two of three have had durable remissions now for eight years, and one had a partial remission.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
immune system 8
high fevers 3
kill bacteria 2
synthetic immune 2
trojan horse 2
cells stay 2
tested car 2
incurable leukemia 2
united states 2
prison corrections 2
corrections officer 2
elevated levels 2
fda approved 2
complete remission 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
prison corrections officer 2

Important Words

  1. adults
  2. advanced
  3. afflicts
  4. approximately
  5. began
  6. big
  7. biopsies
  8. bone
  9. cancer
  10. car
  11. cell
  12. cells
  13. chronic
  14. comatose
  15. corrections
  16. days
  17. decade
  18. design
  19. developed
  20. die
  21. durable
  22. evidence
  23. examined
  24. fact
  25. failures
  26. fevers
  27. finally
  28. fork
  29. form
  30. funeral
  31. happened
  32. high
  33. icu
  34. improvements
  35. incurable
  36. infused
  37. infusion
  38. laboratory
  39. leukemia
  40. live
  41. lymphocytic
  42. marine
  43. marrow
  44. masses
  45. melted
  46. multiple
  47. officer
  48. organ
  49. paid
  50. partial
  51. patient
  52. patients
  53. physicians
  54. prison
  55. remission
  56. remissions
  57. retired
  58. rites
  59. road
  60. sergeant
  61. states
  62. team
  63. thought
  64. transferred
  65. treated
  66. treating
  67. united
  68. weeks
  69. woke
  70. year
  71. years